At Birthday Bash Box, we believe that Books should always be apart of the birthday gifts that children receive. Books allow the reader to travel, explore, and imagine a new world without ever leaving their home. They can also expose the reader to new languages, words, and definitions which is why we give children books in every Birthday Box.
Along with the books, the children also receive a bookmark with a small curriculum that was created by a Houston Area early childhood teacher. The Bookmark gives the children ideas of when and who to read the book to while also encouraging them to Google the definition of words that they do not know and incorporate the words into their vocabulary when talking to loved ones and working on assignments for school
Every child who gets a Birthday Box receives books according to their interests that the parent indicated on their application.
In our in person Birthday Bashes, children choose that books that they would like to receive.
Giving the children these resources allows them to begin to build their own personal library as well as lighting the spark inside of them that we hope will grow into a fiery love for books and reading.

Ensuring that books are available to any child at any time of the year will be a good first step in enhancing the reading achievement of low-income students and an absolutely necessary step in closing the reading achievement gap.
—Anne McGill Franzen and Richard Allington, 2009